Foot-pedal session change?
Jonathan E. Brickman
2012-12-24 02:30:48 UTC
Greetings. I am beginning study of a foot-pedal session change
capability. What might be a good toolset for non-session-manager in
this fashion? I'll eventually need to be able to choose between 100
session IDs, perhaps using a twenty-switch MIDI pedalboard, but
initially more like ten.

J. Liles
2012-12-24 02:46:12 UTC
As long as you can translate it into an OSC message (e.g. mididings), you
should be able to accomplish this. I'm not sure how much trouble it would
be to have have state in mididings for dealing with the paging required to
address 100 sessions though.

On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 6:30 PM, Jonathan E. Brickman
Post by Jonathan E. Brickman
Greetings. I am beginning study of a foot-pedal session change
capability. What might be a good toolset for non-session-manager in this
fashion? I'll eventually need to be able to choose between 100 session
IDs, perhaps using a twenty-switch MIDI pedalboard, but initially more like